Business Advice that creates Clarity, Certainty and Confidence.

We optimise profitability and capital value for CEOs and business owners.


Book a free consultation

PEPL are specialist Business and Board Advisory consultants.

With over 30 years’ experience in buying, building and selling businesses, PEPL partners with ambitious mid-market CEOs to help achieve their goals.

How does this work help?

You will always have a clear plan

You will achieve your revenue, profit and growth goals

You will feel in control and confident about your future

What We Do

Business Advisory

We have experience advising on:

Developing strategic plans

Setting and achieving strategic objectives

Developing growth goals

Building diverse and inclusive cultures

Optimising organisational structure

Hiring, developing and retaining people

Business process improvement

Instilling financial management disciplines

Making decisions around technology investments

Succession planning, exit planning and execution.

Building organisational resilience

Board Advisory

Does your business have an Advisory Board? PEPL’s Ben Wood has chaired numerous commercial and NFP boards in addition to being a board member. He is known as an active participant in meetings, asking good questions and stating his views in plain language.

You will have strategic clarity and accountability around what needs to be done next, and by whom, to reach your ultimate goal.

“I advise on issues I have actual experience in, not just stuff that I’ve read about in books and blogs. This guarantees that I have valuable perspectives and insights to add to my clients’ own experiences.”

Who We Are

PEPL Consulting was founded by Ben Wood as a natural extension to his successful career over several decades. Ben has established, grown and sold sustainably profitable businesses in the workforce, staffing, and professional services industries. His growth strategies utilise both organic and M&A activity.

Get started now with our free diagnostic tools

Collecting real data is the best way to start any initiative. To collect the right data in the easiest way, PEPL has partnered with Mindshop to give you access to the free diagnostics below.

Using these diagnostics before a session will guide planning and ensure data-driven decisions are made. If the session involves other members of your team, we recommend all participants complete the same diagnostic, so that the data can be collated and analysed before your session.

Each diagnostic only takes around 5 minutes to complete. You will receive your results immediately. They will identify your best and least-performing areas, as well as show you how you compare to global benchmarks.

Why Choose PEPL Consulting?

We help our clients develop plans and goals, make decisions, diagnose and solve issues and seize opportunities.

A good idea is only 10% of the solution. The other 90% is implementation and hard work.

Whilst we hold our clients accountable for the goals they set, we also support them through the implementation process. Being part of the Mindshop advisory group means we have access to all the diagnostics, knowledge and resources to support every business situation.

Service Fees

Initial Business Review Service:

3 month commitment


  • Undertake an initial strategic review of your business and identify priority issues
  • Up to three one on one meetings plus telephone support (a combination of shorter online “single issue” meetings and longer in-person meetings)

From $5,000 plus GST payable in one instalment on engagement.

Ongoing Strategic Business Advisory Service:

12 month commitment


  • Quarterly half day in-person meetings plus telephone and email support.
  • Meeting times are set upfront for the year and the agenda for each meeting is set in advance to maximise effectiveness.

  • Each meeting will clarify key issues and opportunities, enabling you to spend more time working “on” your business.

From $20,000 plus GST payable in quarterly instalments in advance.



“Over the time I’ve had Ben as my advisor, our revenues have grown 3x. He’s a reliable advisor – he’s able to go into detail, but he stops me getting stuck in it; he has helped me to prioritise and simplify some strategic issues. He’s always available to me. As the business has grown, my role and my priorities have changed a lot and Ben has helped me and the business through these transitions.”

RY, Owner and CEO, Finance Sector, Melbourne


“When I engaged Ben as an advisor, I had recently been promoted into the CEO role of a $200m professional services business. Ben helped with my priorities and ways to face into some difficult decisions. In our fast-moving sector, people strategies are our lifeblood and Ben and I work on these continuously. He never tells me what to do, but holds me accountable for the things we agree I will act on.”

TR, CEO, IT Contracting and Professional Services, Melbourne


“Ben’s a straight shooter and not afraid to tell me the truth. That is what I need from an advisor. Over the 3 years I’ve used Ben, our profits have increased from $0.5m to over $4.5m. He has been a reliable sounding board on our go to market strategy and how to build resilience into the business. He has also helped me step back from the day to day by guiding me on my professional development. And he has held me accountable on these things.”

DF, CEO, IT Advisory and Training, Sydney


“My meetings with Ben are always valuable. It is often brainstorming sales strategies, but as a scale-up I am always straddling operations and strategy and Ben has provided a great toolkit to support this. He’s also helped with some major decisions like hiring a GM for the business. I always value his honesty and whilst this can be challenging at the time, it has always helped to either reinforce or redirect my thinking.”

PM, Owner and CEO, Construction Sector, Melbourne

Get In Touch

To book a complimentary 30 min discovery call to review your business needs and explain how we add value, please provide your details below. We will get in touch within two business days.

    Connect with Ben on LinkedIn